Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Youth unemployment remains a pressing issue in Gombe Local Government, contributing to poverty, social unrest, and economic stagnation. Newspapers have a unique role in highlighting the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to youth unemployment. By publishing articles, editorials, and reports, newspapers can influence public discourse and government actions. This study examines the extent and impact of newspaper coverage on youth unemployment in Gombe Local Government.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Despite the urgency of addressing youth unemployment, its persistence in Gombe suggests a lack of sufficient public and policy focus. While newspapers can bring attention to this issue, the depth and impact of their coverage are uncertain. This study explores how newspapers report on youth unemployment and their effectiveness in influencing change.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1. To assess the frequency and focus of newspaper coverage on youth unemployment in Gombe.
2. To analyze the themes and narratives presented in newspaper reports.
3. To evaluate the impact of newspaper coverage on public awareness and policy responses.
1.4 Research Questions
1. How frequently do newspapers cover youth unemployment in Gombe?
2. What themes and narratives dominate newspaper reports on youth unemployment?
3. What impact does newspaper coverage have on public awareness and government interventions?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1. Newspapers frequently cover youth unemployment in Gombe Local Government.
2. Newspaper reports emphasize causes, consequences, and solutions to youth unemployment.
3. Newspaper coverage significantly influences public awareness and policy actions.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study provides insights for media practitioners, policymakers, and development organizations to enhance advocacy and interventions addressing youth unemployment.
1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study focuses on newspaper coverage of youth unemployment in Gombe Local Government, Gombe State. Other media types and areas are not considered.
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
• Youth Unemployment: The lack of employment opportunities for individuals aged 15-35.
• Newspaper Coverage: Articles, reports, and editorials in newspapers addressing youth unemployment.
• Public Awareness: The level of understanding and concern about youth unemployment among the public.
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